Monday, November 15, 2010

Our Trip To Oatman,Az

 Our trip to Oatman,Az just starting to pull into town.
 In this town the burros have the right-of-way
 Either you go out around them, or wait until they feel like moving.
 A few shots of the town hotels and buildings
 Looking south down main street
 A mother and her baby heading back north up the street
 Wonder why there here, the owner sells carrots and burro food, and they know it
 We had a great lunch here. And at noon and 2:30 they have an old west shootout
 Here the guys tried to rob the Wells Fargo ATM.
 Then a gun battle shoot out ensues
 A little info about the Oatman Hotel
 Inside the restaurant in the Oatman Hotel, yes those are $1 bills decorating the walls and ceiling
 Gene and Pam
 Gene,Pam, Sue stop for a photo shot in downtown Oatman
The Oatman Post Office. And the end of our day, ready to head home.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Our Trip To Flagstaff

    This is loading the chairs for the ride to the top.
      On our way to the top, this is near half way
               Beautiful Views on the lift up.

         Notice the elevation, that's why there is snow in Oct.
       This is looking back down the slope, notice the volcano
                center of the picture behind the tall tree.
    Does it look cold, it was 33 degrees at 10:30am
            The view's are spectacular                                                                                                         
            And we're almost at the top of the lift
           Sue and a few more people looking at the views

          The drop off of the lift and the turn around
          The view looking back down
          Headed back down at the halfway point
         A better view of the ancient volcano
                                   And back at the bottom

Our Trip To Flagstaff

Here is a few pics from our recent trip to Flagstaff, Snowbowl.
This is the bottom of the
Ski Lift.